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Announcing one of Dhaka's best-kept secrets: the BAGHA rooftop BBQ

22 September 2007

Saturday 29 September 2007

4.75, 3.25 vegetarian, 2.00 kids 12 and under
19:00 to 22:00
17:00 to 19:00 special Happy Hour
Dessert now included
Hope you can make it. All expat club card holders welcome.

Just out: the BAGHA Club Facebook group

17 September 2007

The Club now has a Facebook group. Use it to find info about upcoming events, download and upload photos, and communicate with other members of the community.

Registration with FaceBook is free. It is a fun, easy to use application that can help you easily find friends you know around the world. When registered, use the Search Engine to find the BAGHA Club.

2009 ·The BAGHA Club by TNB